Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This Generation and Christmas

What does Christmas mean to this younger generation? I have been thinking about that for a while now, and I don’t know if I am any closer to an answer. One of the great things about This Generation is that we are so diverse it is hard to pigeon-hole us into one corner on an issue. This also makes it difficult to write blogs about, but that is a whole nother story! Yet the question remains: What does Christmas mean to this younger generation?

I think to answer this question, I will just tell a story. This is the best I know how to explain who This Generation is and how we relate to Christmas.

John was a good friend of mine. He was just a normal twentysomethings guy who worked at a restaurant as he tried to finish school (he had dropped in and out of college a couple of times). He was passionate about photography, and not as passionate about being a waiter. That is why it was it is interesting that this story starts and ends with John at work.
It was a regular December evening as John was serving at the restaurant when he came in. His friends called him Skitz, but his only friend was his little dog Miligan that he kept at home. Once a week Skitz would come into the restaurant to eat by himself. John knew that he had a dog named Miligan because Skitz would always take home part of his rigatoni for “my best friend Miligan – that little pooch loves this stuff”. So the evening started out just like any other evening, and it was going to end just like any other evening, too – until something happened.
John was just taking out the trash to the back dumpster when he saw old man Skitz walking frantically up and down the streets and into the alleys. It looked like he was looking for something, desperately looking for something. John walked over to him. “Sir, are you okay?”. “I’ve lost my Miligan. My little Miligan. Mil…” Skitz voice trailed off as he went further into the alley and out onto the other side of the block. John thought about running after him for a second, but he had some homework that nite that he really should get started on. But he did hope that Skitz would find his dog.
The next week, John was kind of keeping his very photographic eye out for Skitz. He wanted to ask him if he had found Miligan, and he thought that maybe he would put some extra rigatoni into the doggy bag for all the trouble that the little guy (and the big guy) went through. But Skitz did not come. Skitz did not come all week. Or the next week, either.
Being a good guy, John was naturally kind of worried. So he went and talked to his boss about it. “Oh,” his boss started, “I thought you knew about that. That gentleman has a mental disorder. That dog, what did you say his name was? Miligan?, isn’t real. It’s all in his imagination. He’s schizophrenic – that’s why everyone calls him ‘Skitz’.” John chit-chatted with his boss for a few more minutes, but he could not get this image of poor Skitz out of his mind. He was still thinking about it as he was heading out to his car until something interrupted him. Bark! Bark! Whimper. Whimper. John looked over his shoulder back into the alley at the noise. It sounded like a dog…
It was! A little puppy with a dirty face was sitting in a cold box looking sadly up at John. “Shoooo,” thought John as he immediately realized what he had to do now, “there’s goes my Friday night…”
John scooped up the puppy and started walking. He did not know where Skitz lived, but he knew he had to find him. He searched high and low and all around downtown. He knew that Skitz walked everywhere, so he assumed he didn’t have a car. And if he didn’t have a car, then he would have to live somewhere close around here in order for him to walk to the restaurant.
Oh! The restaurant! Maybe he is there.
John turned around on a dime and quickly began walking towards the restaurant. He went in the back entrance and stood in the kitchen as he looked over the crowd. His disappointment was mounting with each scan of the restaurant until he finally saw him. There was Skitz, sitting all alone at his corner table, eating rigatoni.
John was relieved when he saw Skitz. Then, being a very fun-loving and photographic type of guy, he wanted to do something memorable to give the dog to Skitz. He wanted to do something that Skitz could always remember. So John waited back in the kitchen with the dog until Skitz was done with his meal. As always, Skitz asked for a doggy bag for Miligan – “If I can ever find him, he’ll be pretty hungry”. When the waiter went back to get the doggy bag, John caught him and told him the plan. They both thought it was great.
When they were ready, John walked out to Skitz’s table with the doggy bag in his hand. Skitz saw him coming and said, “Oh, good. Thank you. Miligan will enjoy this very much. Very much.”
“Actually, there is a slight problem with your leftovers, sir”. Skitz turned to John to see what was the problem. “You see,” smiled John as he put the bag down on the table, “it looks like little Miligan has already started enjoying it.”
Skitz gave John a quizzical look, but in the next second his attention was distracted by something moving on the table. A hint of a smile began to play on Skitz’s face as he watched the doggy bag begin to move around! Excitedly, he opened the bag. Out jumped the little puppy right into the waiting arms of Skitz! “Miligan! Miligan. My little Miligan! You came home! I knew you would. Miligan!...”
John didn’t quite know what to think. He just knew that Skitz was happy… and therefore my friend John was happy, too.

This is Our Generation.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

This is Our Generation


Our generation.

This is our generation.


Do you know what ‘our’ means? It means that everything that our generation does associates everybody. It means that the reputation that our generation has is our reputation. It is our reputation – no matter what that reputation is. It is our personality – no matter what that personality is. It is our definition – no matter what that definition is. This is our generation. Yours and mine. Every young person. This is our generation. Take it or leave it. But it is all of ours together.

And, you know what? That excites me more than it bothers me. It really does.

Maybe it bothers some of you to be associated with certain aspects of our generation. I mean, no generation is perfect. But our generation has something unique about us that makes us incredibly different than any other generation: we are all in this together. This is our generation. We are communicating. We are connecting. We are combining. This is our generation. And that is the part that excites me – it excites me more than anything else.

I really don’t know if I am explaining this concept very well or not (I guess that is why we have blogs – kind of a test run at writing down ideas and thoughts!). I am just trying to paint a picture of the potential and the power of This Generation due to the fact that we are in this together. We are the most unified, connected, and conversing generation ever. We have the ability to make a difference in the world and to make the world a different place. And we have the heart to bring justice, love, and peace to a world that desperately needs all three. We can do amazing things. We were born into This Generation for such a time as this. And we control the destiny of our generation.

This is our generation.

This is our voice. This is our power. This is our impact. This is our generation. If you want this generation to do something – then join with us. It’s our generation. If you want this generation to go a certain direction and do certain things – then lead us and show us. It’s our generation. If you want this generation to be remembered for something special, something honorable – then start it. It’s our generation. Yours and mine. All of ours. Let’s do these things. Let’s do them together. Let’s start now.

This is our generation.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Two Things This Generation Needs

There are two things that This Generation longs for.

There are two areas that This Generation desires fulfillment.

There are two needs that are at the top of the list for This Generation.

Community and Relevancy.

This Generation desires community through friendship. For so many of us, we are in that twentysomething phase where we are out of the house, out of school, and on our own. We are trying to figure out this new community that we belong to, and we are searching for friends. We are searching for the people that are going to mean a lot to us. We are searching for those close friends who make life worth the living.

We desire friends. We desire this new community.

And we desire relevancy. We want to know how things and God and the world connects to our everyday life. This Generation does not live in the abstract or the fluf - but we want things that are tangible and relevant. How does God connect with my life full of work and bills and school? How does Church fit in with my everyday life? How can I make everything that I have learned before relevant?

Community and Relevancy.

This is Our Generation.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Flight of the Conchords

Flight of the Conchords is not only one of the funniest shows on television, but it also provides a perfect look at what This Generation is all about. Honestly, this television show, well, This is Our Generation.
Bret and Jermaine combine the best things from our generation. They love music. They love laughing. They love doing things differently. They love their friends and their little adventures (even if they don't know they are having them). But above all, they love being themselves.
If you ever get a chance to watch these guys they really do embody This Generation. The life that they live is a cornacopia of exactly what This Generation is all about. Basically, these guys are in a novelty band in New York. They do not have a ton of friends, but they have a lot of fun with the friends that they do have. And they value (almost sadly) any of the friends and people in their lives. They love playing music, and they really express themselves through their music. But, again, above all - these guys are simply themselves.
Being yourself is the exact personality of This Generation. If you ever asked, "What kind of person does this generation most closely resemble?" - the answer would be "Whoever is just being themself". Goth. Nerd. Jock. Emo. Average. Girl. California surfer. New York tough guy. Midwest farmer. Musician. Businessman. Businesswoman. Anything and everything. As long as you are being yourself - just like these two guys in Flight of the Conchords - you are being This Generation.
Funny adventures.
Being yourself.
Flight of the Conchords.
This is Our Generation.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dear and the Headlights Concert at The Venue

The other week I went to a concert at a local place called The Venue. It is a great little concert house that often has very good bands come in and perform for the younger people of the Boise area. For this concert, my brother and I went to see Dear and the Headlights (an extremely good band from Arizona, by the way). It was an excellent show and a really fun night. But something at The Venue struck me as especially cool: the people there were a perfect description of This Generation.

The young people that were there were all different shapes and sizes. Not to generalize or judge, but there were goths, skaters, preppies, emo kids, jocks, and home schoolers. Really, the people that were there that night could not have been more diverse. It was not an assemblage of the exact same type of person, but it was a gathering of all different people.

Yet the beauty of it was that nobody cared. It wasn't like there were cliques or groups where the certain "type" of person just hung out with others like themselves. Not at all. Everyone was standing in the center watching the bands as one big group. And the beautiful part was that everyone was totally fine that the group was so diverse because of this: everyone was just being themselves.

More than any other generation, This Generation is just themselves. They don't need to impress anybody. They don't need to be this or do that to be accepted. They are fine with who they are because that is who they are. This Generation is great at just being themselves - and being extremely okay with that. The Boomers have their money and position. The Xers have something to prove and rebel against. But This Generation is just themselves.

In fact, here is something that struck me at the concert that night: This Generation is defined by the fact that we are undefinable. My brother and I were trying to get a feel of who was watching the band that night. We saw all of the high school music kids, the cool college kids, the young adults who obviously loved music. There were people there who probably went to every single concert at The Venue, and then there were some there that it was probably their first concert. People were there who were dressed very stylish. Others didn't care what they had on. The room was full of different people - and yet they were all the same. They were all on the same page with the band. They were all on the same page with the community of the concert. They were all on the same page with the people around them. It was amazing.

You could not break it down and say that there were mostly this type of person at the concert or that type of person. You couldn't define the crowd because you would leave out too many other people that were there that night if you had to only choose one. The people that were there that night could not be categorized other than to say this: those people were from This Generation.

And that is exactly what defines This Generation - we cannot be defined. That night at the concert, I saw every single type of young person. But I also saw one single group. It was like seeing the individual trees in a forest, but all of the trees were all different kinds. Even though all of the trees are different, when they are together they still make up a forest. That is what it was kind of like.

But I just love that scene in my mind. I probably did a horrible job trying to explain this. I just know that I love being a part of This Generation. Our very definition comes in the fact that we are undefinable. The very essence of our description comes in the fact that we are undescribable.

And we love that - because that is just who we are.

This is Our Generation.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

This is Our Generation: God's Pottery

Please tell me that you have had the privilege to see God's Pottery. These two guys form a dynamic and optimistically Christian comedy duo that was recently featured on Last Comic Standing on NBC (all rights reserved, or whatever). I have NO IDEA why they were voted off - because they were obviously the funniest and most original people there - but they were sent off of the show a couple weeks ago. Yet they did not exit before leaving their mark on the viewers of NBC and in the hearts of Christians everywhere. Even though these guys look like two innocent, virgin, home-schooled Bible quizzers (which incidentally they actually literally are) - God's Pottery connects with This Generation in ways that churches only dream of.

I saw a miracle the other nite on tv. It was on Last Comic Standing, and God's Pottery did it. These two innocent Christian guys - along with their creativity, humor, and cheesy smiles - had three minutes to entertain a Los Angeles audience. But these guys not only entertained the crowd and made them laugh, God's Pottery did something that I would have never thought possible. These guys had this secular audience all singing together a song about how "I love Jesus so much today". Within three minutes, the entire crowd was laughing and smiling and singing this song about Jesus together. They forgot whatever qualms they had with Christianity, whatever prejudices against old pastors or churches, and whatever they had against religion. These people didn't care that they might not know about Jesus' divinity or how the Trinity works or anything else - all they knew was that these two wide-eyed Christians just made Jesus fun and relevant again.

This is what our generation responds to. This is what our generation needs. This is what we need to see more of for This Generation. Why? Why does God's Pottery connect so much? Why could God's Pottery get a crowd full of non-Christians from Los Angeles to sing about Jesus within a manner of minutes? Why?

It's simple. These guys are honest. They are genuine. They are fun. And they are fully open and accessible with their faith. They live their faith (even if its a fake for a skit or show) 100% in their life. They do not have an agenda other than making people smile and laugh. They are themselves, and they focus on the good parts of their faith. If you ever see these guys, you will know exactly what I mean. God's Pottery connects with people because people trust them - and therefore they trust their faith.

God's Pottery: two wide-eyed, innocent, optimistic people who fully live their faith fully through all of their words and actions - a faith that attracts others because its real and honest and fun.

This is Our Generation.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Commercials and Comparisons: Two Commercials that Define This Generation

Not that I watch a ton of tv or anything, but, well, lately I have been watching a ton of tv. And during this bout of lameness, I have actually been pretty impressed with some recent commercials. Two commercials really stood out to me. The more I thought about this two commercials - another bout of lameness - the more I realized that these two commercials define who This Generation is and what we are all about.

The first commercial is that Heineken commercial where everyone shares their drinks with people. (Please don't think that I am saying that alcohol defines our generation, I am totally not; I am just comparing the concepts). But this commercial has an excellent message and a really beautiful concept. The commercial starts out with one person sharing his drink with another. Then that person takes the drink and gives it to somebody else. This continues on through about eight different people. But the beauty of it lies in the actual people. The commercial shows people of all different backgrounds and types sharing with each other. There is a ballerina, a Hispanic cowboy, a huge hair logger, an Indian woman, and many others. All of these people connect with each other despite their many differences. The commercial shows how this one thing connects these people that probably do not have anything else in common. These diverse individuals 'share the good' with each other and connect despite their differences.

The other commercial is those VISA commercials that show everything running smoothly with something - a cafeteria or a greenhouse. The reason why everything is running so smoothly is because the people are all using debit cards. But then when one person pulls out a check to pay for their puchases, everything stops. After the person is done paying for their stuff, then everything starts flowing again as normal. It is a great commercial that shows how things flow and run and go smooth with the use of certain things, but then something old can disrupt that. This is not to say that This Generation does not like anything that is old. But this commercial helps to show that there are certain things that make stuff flow and go smoothly.
These two commercials help to portray some great things about This Generation. We are a generation that connects with each other - despite our many differences. We are a generation that shares and cares and seeks to find things in common with each other. Even if the only thing that we have in common is a beer - This Generation is all about relationships and community with each other. Also, This Generation has a certain feel to it. We do things a certain way, and we like how we do things. This Generation operates in this busy life with technology, communication, internet, and many other things. We have flow to how we do things, and sometimes that can get messed up when other generations try to impose things upon us. This Generation is a lot different than other generations, and we do things and live our lives a certain way.
Connection with people. A flow to our lives.
This is Our Generation.

Monday, July 7, 2008

The Generation With a Voice...and a Story

Viral videos, blogs, youtube videos, reality tv, cameras and videos on all computer and cell phones - This Generation is known for having things to say and using technology to be able to say them. But it goes a lot deeper than that.

This Generation has a voice. We have a strong voice. We like to share our lives with the world on our blogs. We like to write what is going on and put a little piece of ourselves out there for all to see. Also, we love reality tv. It gives us - us normal people who are nowhere near being movie stars - a chance to be on television. It gives us a chance to share with the world who we are and what we are all about.

Why are there so many youtube videos of just people sitting in front of their computer talking? Why are there so many personal videos made through cell phones and computers? Why do we blog so much? Why do we love reality tv? We love all of these things because it gives us an outlet to share our voice. We have a voice. Each and every one of us in This Generation has a voice. And we want to share it.

But why? As we go deeper into who This Generation is - why do we want to share our voice?

We want to share our voice because we have a story.

We all have a story to tell. We all want to share our story with the world. This Generation doesn't just talk and blog and make videos for no reason. We share our voice because we have a story to tell. Our stories are a part of who we are. They are everything about us - no matter how small or large. We are a community driven generation that seeks to share our voice with others because we have a story to tell.

Videos, youtube, reality tv, computer cameras, blogs...

Look deeper and you will see a Voice.

Look beyond that and you will see a Story.

This is Our Generation.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

So Much More Than Just iPods...

Everyone knows what role iPods play in This Generation. The Apple iPod could be the sole image that describes our generation. It couples technology with personality, individualism, and style. But even though the iPod is a great definition of This Generation – we are much more than simply iPods.

People should not think of This Generation as simply iPods. It is actually the music that defines us. The reason why This Generation has fallen in love with the concept and structure of the iPod is because we are so intrinsically tied to our music. We each have our own personal musical style, and we want to be able to utilize and share that.

This Generation might be the most musical generation of all time. Previous generations did not have the capability of exploring and discovering their musical personality. Most generations were only privy to the music that could literally be played around them. One generation was lucky enough to have the radio. But there was not much flexibility with this forum. One generation was fortunate enough to have records. This allowed for more flexibility, but still it did not lean to much capability. One generation was even more fortunate to have eight tracks, tapes, and the initial stages of CDs. They were closer to the musical abilities that we have now, but there are still nowhere close to us.

This Generation has the most availability and capability to use, share, and enjoy music ever in the history of humankind. So it is not only the iPod that defines us, but it is our musical personality. We have the ability to form our own personal musical identities. And that is exactly what we do.

This Generation uses the iPod as a means of exhibiting their music personality. Everyone in This Generation has a unique musical personality. The iPod gives us a medium to store and express this musical personality. So remember to make this distinction: our generation is not simply defined by the iPod. Moreover, we are defined by our ability to have a musical personality – an ability made possibly by the iPod.

But, overall, we are a generation that develops our own personal musical personality.

This is our generation.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Potential in This Generation - Why I Write.

Why do I take the time to write about This Generation?

Why do I spend time trying to chronicle who we are and what we are all about?

Is there a point to all of this?

There sure is - because This Generation is the Generation of Potential.

We are the most unique generation to come along in such a long time. I am not a historian or anthropologist or anything like that, but I know that we are more unique than a usual generation. We are special. We have a touch of destiny about us. We have the potential to do great things and to be great things. This Generation is special.

We are closer together than any other generation before us. We can communicate with our brothers and sisters living around the world. We can connect with each other in ways previously unimaginable. We can be together on such an intimate and large level - it is both exciting and humbling. Whether it is by technology or the internet or God's grace, I don't know, but I know this: This Generation is more closely connected than any other.

We have a similar pattern, a similar voice, a similar heartbeat. And yet we are all different in our own way. We find ourselves together in our separateness. But we have such large commonalities. We have a common vision and purpose. We sing a common song. We are like-minded and standard with our vision for the future.

And we were put here for such a time as this. The world is in need. People need help. Children need a future. There is so much to be done. And here comes This Generation that is different from all other generations. Here comes This Generation that is more connected and strong than any other generation. Here comes This Generation that has a common vision and mission in the world. Here comes This Generation that can do and be great things for the betterment of all.

So why do I write?

I write because we need to tap into the potential of This Generation. We need to rally This Generation to the fight. We need to inspire This Generation to greatness. We need to raise the banner, sound the call, and start the music - this is our time. this is our callling. this is it.

God put a unique generation here on earth at such a time as this to do incredible things.

This is Our Generation.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The "be" generation

This generation has a different way of looking at things. We have different goals, aspirations, and purposes than any other generation. This can be characterized in one specific way dealing with how a generation defines itself. Other generations are a “do” generation. This generation is a “be” generation.

Older generations focus on the things that they do. They would define themselves by the things that they “do”. Their focus is on doing things. They want to be known for their deeds. They want to accomplish things. They feel the need to “do” things. They define themselves by the things they do – they are a “do” generation.

But this generation is different. We are a “be” generation. We are focused on who we are rather than what we do. We would rather “be” something than “do” something. We don’t disregard doing things. On the contrary, we are focused on doing things, but we want to complete the picture by being as well as doing. We want to be known for who we are. We are focused on being a person who loves rather than focusing on simply doing loving things. We know that these actions will flow out of who we are. By “being” something – we will naturally “do” things, as well.

This younger generation wants to be rather than to do. We define ourselves based on who we are. We want to take care of that part first – because we know that we will do things out of who are. We are a “be” generation.

This is our generation.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Wedding Song

Weddings used to always have that same traditional song that played whenever a bride walked down the aisle. “Du DU du du – du DU du du – du DUD du du du du du du du.” – I believe it was. But lately these traditional songs have been changing. What used to be a concrete solid tradition has been slowly changing. And this change is a great example of what personifies this younger generation.

The wedding song was what every bride had played as she walked down the aisle. It was tradition. It was the same for every girl. And it was always the same song. But this generation has begun to change that. Now, instead of walking down the aisle to “Du DU du du…” – girls are choosing songs that are special specifically to them. They are choosing songs that fit them more. They are choosing songs that represent their life.

I have been to weddings where girls have walked down the aisle in Cannon in D, Trollywood, and I’m A Believer – just to name a few. These songs were so fun; they were so nice. Everyone loved it because it was an extension of the girl herself. The girls of this generation do not feel like they have to always conform to tradition, but they can add onto previous traditions with their own personal flair. It is a beautiful and fun thing to see and be a part of, and it makes our generation unique.

This is our generation.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Pew Generation

The Baby Boomers and The Younger Generation are very different. Let me try to highlight one of the ways that we differ with a quick example.

Baby Boomers are a theater seat generation. In their church services, they each want their own designated spot. They want a defined area all to themselves. With theater seats, you know what to expect. Nothing can conquer the impenetrable walls of your mighty armrests. The seat is yours. It is comfortable, predictable, and it is all yours.

But our generation – The Younger Generation – we are a pew generation. We want to be connected with people. We want to be close to people. We like squeezing in an extra person in the row. We like sitting close to our spouses, children, friends and family. We like the opportunity that pews provide: opportunities for community, for sharing, for connecting. We are a pew generation.

This is our generation.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


I saw this picture in the newspaper for a weekend entertainment thing. I really enjoy this band, but I had never seen a picture of them before. But their picture - coupled with their music - is a perfect example of this generation.

Honestly, it's nothing I even know about Eisley that shows why their represent this generation. I mean, I don't really know anything about them. I know that they have fun, inventive music. I think that they are really themselves. And I see from this picture that they like to have a good time in community while being themselves (or at least the photographer staged them to look that way... if so, he or she did a great job).

But, really, that is part of our generation, too. We don't have to vet someone to know if they belong or not. We dont' have to get out our judgment metal detectors to find something wrong with someone. As long as I know that Eisley is being themselves, having a good time being themselves, promoting community, and doing what they love - that is more than enough. They just really struck me as being a snapshot of what our generation is all about.

And a picture allegedly says a thousand words, so I will just stop writing here.
This is our generation.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

This Is Our Generation...

This younger generation is different than all the rest. We are just a completely different generation. But we are not different in that we want to rebel like the Gen Xers. We are not so solid and resolute like the Greatest Generation. We are not so inventive and personal as the Baby Boomers. But we are different in this sense: we combine all the best aspects from the prior generations and mold it into our own intricate community.

This generation can be defined in the groups of people hanging out in the coffee shop, browsing on the internet, talking with their diverse group of friends about what’s going on in Africa. We can be defined by our independent concerts in small venues where groups of people with nothing necessarily in common get together to form a dedicated and uplifting community. This generation can be defined by the way we are committed to social justice for every person in the world, the way we seek a genuine and passionate relationship with God, and the way we have blown up the status quo. This is our generation.

Another great thing about our generation is that we cannot be defined so simply. We cannot be put into a specific box. We have so many parts, so many personalities, and so many facets: and that is one of the things that makes this generation great. This little web site is going to explore this generation. It is going to try to be a voice for this generation. It is going to be for this generation.

This is our generation.