Monday, September 8, 2008

Flight of the Conchords

Flight of the Conchords is not only one of the funniest shows on television, but it also provides a perfect look at what This Generation is all about. Honestly, this television show, well, This is Our Generation.
Bret and Jermaine combine the best things from our generation. They love music. They love laughing. They love doing things differently. They love their friends and their little adventures (even if they don't know they are having them). But above all, they love being themselves.
If you ever get a chance to watch these guys they really do embody This Generation. The life that they live is a cornacopia of exactly what This Generation is all about. Basically, these guys are in a novelty band in New York. They do not have a ton of friends, but they have a lot of fun with the friends that they do have. And they value (almost sadly) any of the friends and people in their lives. They love playing music, and they really express themselves through their music. But, again, above all - these guys are simply themselves.
Being yourself is the exact personality of This Generation. If you ever asked, "What kind of person does this generation most closely resemble?" - the answer would be "Whoever is just being themself". Goth. Nerd. Jock. Emo. Average. Girl. California surfer. New York tough guy. Midwest farmer. Musician. Businessman. Businesswoman. Anything and everything. As long as you are being yourself - just like these two guys in Flight of the Conchords - you are being This Generation.
Funny adventures.
Being yourself.
Flight of the Conchords.
This is Our Generation.

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