Monday, September 29, 2008

Two Things This Generation Needs

There are two things that This Generation longs for.

There are two areas that This Generation desires fulfillment.

There are two needs that are at the top of the list for This Generation.

Community and Relevancy.

This Generation desires community through friendship. For so many of us, we are in that twentysomething phase where we are out of the house, out of school, and on our own. We are trying to figure out this new community that we belong to, and we are searching for friends. We are searching for the people that are going to mean a lot to us. We are searching for those close friends who make life worth the living.

We desire friends. We desire this new community.

And we desire relevancy. We want to know how things and God and the world connects to our everyday life. This Generation does not live in the abstract or the fluf - but we want things that are tangible and relevant. How does God connect with my life full of work and bills and school? How does Church fit in with my everyday life? How can I make everything that I have learned before relevant?

Community and Relevancy.

This is Our Generation.

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